Dayton Ward

About the author

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve read one of my books or are considering doing so. Or, maybe you just clicked on a link by mistake while on your way to something more interesting. Doesn’t matter. Welcome! So…about me. Yeah…well, you see, it’s like this: Until recently, I was a software developer and analyst, having become a slave to Corporate America after spending eleven years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Why did I join the military? Pretty simple, really. I’d gotten tired of people telling me what to do all the time, and was looking for a change. Whoops. In truth, I joined for a handful of different reasons, from carrying on a family tradition to wanting a challenge unlike anything else I’d faced to that point to simpler stuff like just wanting to see the world. I’m proud of my time spent in uniform. I gave Uncle Sam eleven years, and he gave me a long list of skills and experiences that have continued to serve me to this day. I think I got the better end of that deal by a fairly wide margin. In September 2014, I said goodbye to my day job and embarked on a bold new journey as a full-time writer. Though I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, fate and circumstances have seen to it that my family and I now call Kansas City home.

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