Business Resources

A collection of blogs, newsletters, podcasts, tools, and services to help you grow your WordPress business and become a better leader. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned veteran, you can always learn something new and become a better person.

I’ve been in the WordPress business community since 2014 and I’ve participated in business masterminds with some amazing people. This page is my attempt to share what I’m learning and where I’m learning it from. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

Let’s get started…

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For those who don’t know who I am or what I do…

I’m Mark Zahra, currently the CEO at RebelCode, the parent company behind the WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight Instagram Feeds plugins, and WP Mayor

Over the past 8 years I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in this business at various levels, going from content writer to plugin support specialist, then into project management and eventually the leadership role I’m in today.

This journey has taught me a lot through the various successes and failures that we’ve had as a team. But more importantly, over the years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know some of the smartest people in the WordPress industry.

There’s still so much more to learn and every day is a new challenge that we must overcome. Make this the moment that you kick into high gear and go for it.

Speaking from Experience
They've been there, they've done it, and now they're sharing what it took to actually get there.

Chris Lema

Learn about business, products, and leadership from a fantastic storyteller.

Do you know of another blog worthy of this list?
Make a recommendation.

Straight to Your Inbox
Worthy of a read any day of the week.

Do you know of other newsletters that deserve to be listed here?
Make a recommendation.

Listen and Watch
Whether you're driving or doing the dishes, a podcast is always there to keep you company.

Share your favorite podcasts with the rest of us.
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Spruce Up Your Toolbox
What we use and recommend at RebelCode.


Our workspace, issue tracker, and internal knowledge base.


To design all our plugin UIs, banners, featured images, and more.


An asynchronous communication alternative to Slack, and we love it.


For some quick designs and ideas when there's no need for Figma.

Do you use any other tools worth mentioning?
Make a recommendation.

Sell & Promote Your Product
One part a shameless plug of our own services, and the other part a list of services we've tried and tested with our own products.

Opportunity Analysis

Let our team guide you to you discover the missing piece in your puzzle to maximize your product's success (+ a published review).


Leverage our resources and expertise to expand your WordPress product's reach with a long-term strategic partnership.

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