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Person sitting outside, smiling with a closed laptop in front them on a table

About WP Engine

We're on a mission to power the freedom to create.

Explore Our Platform

WP Engine is the #1 platform 
for WordPress

WP Engine empowers companies and agencies of all sizes to create, manage, and optimize their WordPress websites with confidence. We provide premium, enterprise-grade solutions, tools, and services, including specialized offerings of Managed WordPress, Headless WordPress, industry-tailored solution suites, and developer-centric tools. Our innovative technology and expert guidance from leading WordPress professionals have served more than 1.5 million users and customers across 150+ countries.

To learn more about why more of the top 200,000 sites in the world use WP Engine to drive their digital experiences than anyone else in WordPress, read more here.

Our history

WP Engine was founded in 2010 in Austin, TX, to bring the ease-of-use and open-source freedom of WordPress to the masses through a managed platform offering speed, scalability, security, and support. Our goal was to empower content creators and developers alike to focus on what they love, without the hassle of site crashes, slow page-load speeds, and complex security issues.

Starting with 30 initial customers and a single product, we’ve grown to a team of over 1,000 globally distributed WordPress experts and a catalog of industry-standard tools. Today, roughly 9% of people online visit a site powered by WP Engine—a testament to the durability of both WordPress and its #1 managed provider.

Pictured: Founder Jason Cohen shows his team their future WP Engine HQ in Austin, TX in 2013, saying, “It’s a disaster, but it’s ours.”

And we’re only getting started. Over the years, WP Engine has been dedicated to enhancing its services to better meet the needs of WordPress users. One significant step in this journey was the acquisition of Flywheel in 2019, aimed at empowering designers and freelancers with next-generation managed WordPress solutions. Together with Local, the #1 local development software, WP Migrate, and Advanced Custom Fields, our expanding product catalog represents our commitment to supporting the WordPress community, ensuring essential resources are readily available for users to build, power, manage and optimize their sites.

Our core values

Our values are like a flame. They light the way for our actions and must always be fostered. Our people are enabled and empowered to tend this flame by making values-based decisions and innovating on your behalf, so that you can build winning digital experiences. We are humbled and inspired by the role we get to play in your business.

WP Engine Core Value: Do The Right Thing
Do the right thing

When it’s right for the customer and the company, and you’re proud of your decision, you’ve done the right thing.

WP Engine Core Value: Customer Inspired
Customer inspired

We are grateful for our role in our customers’ lives; when they win, we win.

WP Engine Core Value: Design Matters
Design matters

We are proud of our work when it is intentionally designed and thoughtfully crafted.

WP Engine Core Value: Committed To Give Back
Committed to give back

We believe that great leaders give back and inspire others to do the same.

WP Engine Core Value: Built for Growth
Built for growth

When we win, we celebrate our success and stay hungry. When we fail, we embrace opportunities to improve and learn.

Our people fuel the engine

We’re a diverse and inclusive set of people brought together by our shared purpose and values.


of our employees do not have a college degree


of our senior leaders and managers are women


of our employees identify as LGBTIA+

Our teams are award-winning

We’re relentlessly passionate about your success, and our teams have the accolades to prove it.

Best workplaces for women 2019 awardDigiday technology awardStevie award sales and customer service 2020Best workplaces Ireland 2019best workplaces texas 2020

We power growth for everyone

As an employer, WP Engine is a place where everyone can grow—no matter what you look like, who you love, where you come from, or what you believe. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers, and we believe you should be the same person at work as you are at home.

We are Committed to Give Back

WP Engine has always had a strong approach to giving back to our community, giving back to our employees, and giving back to our industry. This commitment is woven throughout our core values from Do the right thing to Committed to giving back.

Engine for Good, our corporate social responsibility program, encompassing our initiatives in Open Hearts, Open Doors and Open Future, aligns our efforts to upload these core values while helping our community in every aspect.

Laptop with website mockup

Let’s get started

What will you build today?