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Enabling Full Template Support

WP Event manager uses custom post types, therefore, post archives can be enabled and fully themed.

You can create template files for archives of events using WordPress Template Hierarchy.

Note: For the single event listings, WP Event Manager by default use single-event_listing.php.

Adding Theme Support

  1. Inside your theme, add the following code:
        add_theme_support( 'event-manager-templates' );
  2. Go to admin panel >> Settings >> Permalinks >> save.
  3. Custom Post Type archives will then be activated. Then you will see the even listings archive (by default) at

Template Files

The WordPress Template Hierarchy will be utilized. Theme include following key template.

  • archive-event_listing.php: Displaying Custom Post Type Templates
  • taxonomy-event_listing_category.php: Displaying Custom Taxonomies
  • taxonomy-event_listing_type.php: Displaying Template Hierarchy
Enabling Full Template Support
Ashok Dudhat

Our team constantly explores ways that technology can help us reinvent industries. We want to change the world by creating great products that transform industries. We Dream It, We Make It.

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