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There are 13 Great Plains states: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.

Great Plains States

Great Plains States

South Dakota

The entire state of South Dakota is considered to be in the Great Plains. South Dakota does have a few small hilly areas, such as the Black Hills. The Great Plains are ideal for cattle-ranching, which is a major industry in South Dakota.


Part of Colorado is included in the Great Plains region. Only the eastern portion of the state is within the Great Plains. Eastern Colorado is further subdivided into the Colorado Piedmont and the High Plains.


Iowa is partially within the Great Plains region. Like many Great Plains states, farming is a major industry. Only the western part of Iowa is included in the Great Plains.


Like Iowa, only the western portion of Minnesota is considered to be part of the Great Plains. Also like Iowa, Minnesota has a thriving agriculture industry. Minnesota borders on the Dakotas, which are entirely within the Great Plains.


Part of Missouri is in the Great Plains. Specifically, the northwestern part of the state is included. This part of Missouri borders on Kansas, which is entirely included in the Great Plains.


Montana is partially included in the Great Plains. Specifically, the eastern part of the state is within this region. This part of Montana is also part of the Missouri Plateau, which is a subdivision of the Great Plains.

New Mexico

New Mexico is not often thought of as a Great Plains state, but it is partially within this region. The northeastern area of New Mexico is covered with plains. Specifically, this area of New Mexico is within the High Plains subdivision of the Great Plains.


Roughly half of Oklahoma is within the Great Plains. The northern part of the state is in the Plains Border subdivision. The western part of Oklahoma is in the High Plains subdivision.


Parts of Texas are in the Great Plains. The central and south-central areas of the state are in the Edwards Plateau and Central Texas regions. Northwestern Texas is in the High Plains.


Wyoming is partially within the Great Plains. The northeastern portion of the state is in the Missouri Plateau. The southeastern portion is within the High Plains.


Kansas is entirely within the Great Plains. It is known for producing large quantities of wheat, which is typical of Great Plains states. Western Kansas is included in the High Plains, while central Kansas is included in the Plains Border subdivision.


Like Kansas, Nebraska is entirely within the Great Plains. Also like Kansas, Nebraska is known for producing wheat and corn. Nebraska is included in the High Plains subdivision.

North Dakota

North Dakota is wholly within the Great Plains. it is entirely within the Missouri Plateau subdivision. North Dakota borders on the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, which are also in the Great Plains.

Great Plains States

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