• Yesterday I started researching a new security plugin that I could switch to for all my WordPress sites (about 50). Skimming the plugin directory I found SiteGround Security and I must say this is the most promising looking plugin I have ever encountered!

    The biggest PRO for me: SiteGround is a professional hosting service and they are using this plugin on all WordPress sites they host, so they will have a strong motivation to keep sg-security as high-quality as possible, without the need to upsell it like so many other plugins are doing it.

    I have two questions:

    1. Is there a place where you host the plugin’s source publicly, like for example on GitHub? I couldn’t find anything except a security warning about 2FA in an earlier version (1.2.5, can’t post link here due to WP guidelines).

    2. What was your reasoning behind not making the limit_login_attempts periods (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week) un-filterable? I wanted to immediately reduce the first period to something like 20 minutes, but those periods are hard-coded right now inside SG_Security\Login_Service\Login_Service->log_login_attempt( $error ) (Version 1.3.7).

    Thanks again.

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  • Plugin Support Gergana Petrova


    Hello @nonverbla,

    Thank you for the kind words and the feedback!

    To answer your questions:

    1. Not for the moment, no. The plugin’s source is not publicly available.

    2. There have been no similar requests in the past. As such, there’s no filter for this kind of adjustment, however I will bring your suggestion to our Developers.

    Best Regards,
    Gergana Petrova

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