• I have a self-hosted site – XYZ.com. I have a WordPress.com site / account ABC.wordpress.com.

    I’ve installed Jetpack plugin to XYZ.com, and tied the account to the ABC.wordpress.com account.

    When I visit ABC.wordpress.com, I can see XYZ.com as a ‘site’ to manage. Great!

    But when I click on XYZ.com, I’m simply taken to XYZ.com and I can’t use the (eg) Media tool to load google images – that’s the ‘local’ media tool at XYZ.com, which doesn’t have the jetpack extensions.

    Now, I STUMBLED across the fact that I can type in this url: https://ABC.wordpress.com/media/XYZ.com – and boom – I am ‘managing’ XYZ.com’s media FROM ABC.wordpress.com, and thus, can use the google photos integration. (I figured this out by chance looking at a screenshot on random web post!).

    But how do I do this other than by typing in the url above manually? Every attempt to use a link or icon or whatever on the ‘sites’ page simply takes me to the target XYZ.com site, and thus not getting the ‘extras’ available when using the ABC.wordpress.com site.

    Hope this makes sense! I’m so close but really need to be able to do this without typing in the URL each time!

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  • Plugin Support Ajay Kumar Jain (a11n)


    Hi @steerpike58, thank you for your patience!

    You can click the Stats icon in the list of sites in your WordPress.com account to access and manage that site using the WordPress.com interface.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help with anything.

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