• Our admin dashboard stopped working and while logged in, on the upper right corner we could see “unsuspend transients” in red.

    After looking at the logs we decided to disable the plugin via SSH (rename folder). After renaming it the site went back to normal.

    any ideas what it could be so that we can re-enable the plugin?

    We had over 140K products and recently removed 60K that we did not need anymore.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Transients are frequently used to cache data, especially in eCommerce websites (which it sounds like yours is). These caches are typically done for performance reasons.

    When transients are suspended, none of those caches will work and they’ll all be skipped.

    On a live website, it’s not a good idea to ever suspect transients. That should only ever be done for very brief amounts of time and for testing purposes.

    Having your transients suspended can definitely have adverse affects on your site.

    You can re-enable the plugin and then unsuspend transients and things should go back to normal.

    Thread Starter oweux


    Thank you for your input.

    The thing is we never suspended them. what ever happened seems to have occurred on its own. If we enable the plugin the admin panel crashes again. How to se “unsuspend” them prior to re-enabling the plugin?

    Also, the front end loaded just fine. Only the admin panel suffered during this incident.

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Navigate to /wp-admin/options.php and then locate the field called “pw_tm_suspend”. Delete the contents of the input field then scroll down to the bottom and click Save Changes. Once that’s done, you should be able to re-enable the plugin.

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