• Resolved Nick Bohle


    Hi to Alex and all the others who might have an answer…

    I am using Twitter Tools version 1.2b1 on WordPress 2.5.1.

    Since yesterday, my tweets are not updating.

    My first attempt to solve the problem was to click on

    UPDATE TWEETS –> nothing

    Then, I clicked on


    After waiting one day and still no updates, I decided

    • to deactivate the plug-in,
    • to delete the twitter tool folder,
    • to drop the twitter tool database table,
    • and to re-install twitter tools again

    Result: No tweets available at the moment.

    The strange thing is that displaying Tweets with the html/javascipt tool of Twitter worked fine.

    Does anybody have an idea what could cause this problem?

    A test login on the Twitter Tool configuration page is successful. And when I click on UPDATE TWEETS I receive the (wrong) message TWEETS UPDATED…

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  • Thread Starter Nick Bohle


    Now, I am totally confused!

    I have installed Twitter Tools on my test server (same theme as on my real blog) and it works without any problems…

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter Nick Bohle


    Well, fixed it and Twitter Tools is updating again:

    – Deactivated the plug-in
    – Deleted the Twitter Tools files on the server
    – Dropped the Twitter Tools table
    – Deleted the Twitter Tools values inside the WP_Options table
    – Reinstalled Twitter Tools…




    Can you explain what you mean by (or how to)
    – Dropped the Twitter Tools table
    – Deleted the Twitter Tools values inside the WP_Options table

    I have been having the same trouble you describe above and would like to fix it.

    Thread Starter Nick Bohle



    First, I suggest that you check if your log-in information are correct. Second, I would check if Twitter is up…

    Then, but only if you know what you are doing (make a database back-up):

    – Deactivate the plug-in
    – Delete the Twitter Tools files on the server

    Go to your admin interface of your MySQL database (probably myphpadmin) and click on wp_ak_twitter. Delete the database by dropping it. Then, you click on wp_options for browsing the database. Delete all values that start with aktt_

    – Reinstall Twitter Tools


    I encountered the same problem that my tweets were not updated. The solution of the problem is:

    1. Just copy your “twitter-tools.php” to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Afterwards install twitter tools in your plugins configuration page. Now it should work.

    If you install “twitter-tools.php” to /wp-content/plugins/twitter-tools/ the above described problem will occur.

    Enjoy! 🙂



    I have the same problem like Herbert. But I installed the PHP directly to the plugin-folder although it isn’t auto-updating my tweets.

    I just added “–” to the “more-updates”-tag for having a better look. Then I uploaded the PHP again.

    I can’t say if it worked fine before.

    Any idea?


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