• Resolved net


    SVG icons have small size, so they are much better solution than Font Awesome.

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  • Plugin Author Happy Coders


    Hello there,

    Thank you for your suggestion. We actaually already have an option to disable the Fontawesome from loading and also we do have the option to upload your own custom icons where you can also upload the SVG icons.

    Please check the screenshot below for an easy reference.



    Thread Starter net


    That method requires another plugin to be able to upload SVG icons.

    The idea is to add such icons inline and make this method default, to minimize the overhead and unnecessary web server requests.

    Frankly, I don’t see any reason that every post loads Font Awesome CSS having 2.5 MB to display 2 icons only. This can stay for previous compatibility, but should not be default option.

    Plugin Author Happy Coders


    Hi @krstarica

    We appreciate your input on this. We will try to come up with the option to load the SVG icons instead of font icons in our near future updates.


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