• Resolved leahkoerper


    I’m testing out this product and I wanted to see it without the submission form. As per the documentation I used this shortcode:

    [simple-feature-requests submission="false"]

    But the submission field still displays on the front end.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey Leah,

    Thanks for your message. I just wanted to check – the parameter disables the actual submission form, but the request field remains in place as it acts as a search field.

    Is that what you are seeing?

    Thread Starter leahkoerper


    Oh I see, I just misunderstood. I was expecting the request field to disappear. But now that you point it out, of course it needs to stay as a search field. For my use, I would just make a point to change the text to clarify that it’s just for searching.

    Thanks for your swift reply!

    Hey Leah,

    That’s definitely a good point. I’ll look at changing the wording if the submission form is hidden.

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