• Resolved michaelrmurrin


    I have 2 questions about purchase receipts.

    1) I want to edit the Purchase Receipt email message. But it looks like EDD doesn’t give me the option of editing the existing/default Purchase Receipt message. I can only create a brand new custom message. If I want to edit the default message, I have to rebuild it from scratch. And they don’t give me the code/etc. for the original message, so I don’t know how to make the layout look exactly the same. I want the layout of the message to look exactly the same as before. Is there something I’m missing? Is there somewhere to edit the existing Purchase Receipt email instead of rebuilding it from scratch?

    2) The second question is, well, it’s more feedback than a question, because I’m pretty sure I already know the answer, and if so, I think this is a really bad decision on the part of EDD. I want to be able to set up custom Purchase Receipt emails for each individual product. From what I could find in the documentation, they don’t allow you to do that. You can only have one email template for the purchase receipt, and then if you want a custom email sent for an individual product, you have to have a 2nd email sent to the customer. This policy is a bad decision for 2 reasons. First, some of the PDFs on my site are for purchase, and some of them are free downloads. I should be able to set up separate “Purchase Receipt” messages for the free downloads versus the purchased PDFs. I shouldn’t have to figure out a custom template that can apply both to free downloads and to purchases. I should be able to set up templates for each one. Secondly, if the Purchase Receipt email already includes both the receipt and the download link, why should we have to send a 2nd email? We should be able to include everything in one email!

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  • Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Hi @michaelrmurrin,

    This functionality is available through one of our add-on plugins: https://easydigitaldownloads.com/downloads/per-product-emails/

    That plugin will allow you to create custom purchase receipts for each product. It also supports falling back to the default email receipt for any product that doesn’t have a custom email defined.

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter michaelrmurrin


    Hi @mordauk

    Am I correct in seeing that this plugin is $29 a year? I’m going to be selling like 1 PDF a year. I guess I’m used to using things like Firefox plugins, etc., that are free and open source or whatever. From a store/selling standpoint, this is nearly just a website for my hobby. I’m not running a business where I’m making basically any money. I just want it to be set up right.

    If I can’t use the plugin for custom purchase receipts, then I’ll have to write out a long template that applies to both purchases and free downloads, and I don’t even know what I’ll write, because in the case of “purchases”, the reason the download link expires is for copyright protection. In the case of “free downloads”, the reason the download link expires is just so that people can’t host this (free) work I did on any website other than my own. So I don’t even know what I’m going to say in my purchase receipt. Because I HAVE to have a warning in the purchase receipt informing the person that the link will expire in 24 hours. But I don’t want to just look like some greedy or unreasonable seller by not explaining why. If I sell someone sheet music for a piece I wrote, they download it, a year later they lose their data and they have to re-download it again, and they go back in their email and find the download link, and get blindsided with the fact that it’s expired, they may come back at me with an angry email about how I stole money from them or something. So I’m going to have to explain in the purchase receipt, that the download link expires, and that if they lose their data, they can contact me and I’ll re-send them the music.

    But I need to explain this for both the free downloads and the purchases. And having to come up with some long explanatory template to cover both purchases and free downloads seems unnecessary. I just wanted a place where people can buy my music. I’m not running a business. (For legal purposes, I am, but what I mean is, I’m not making my living (or hardly any money) with this). (That’s why I ditched WooCommerce, because with them, with WooCommerce Payments and all that, they’re going to hold 25% of my payments for 2 months, and it’s like, I’m selling like 1 thing a year! I’m not opening some big business.)

    This whole experience has been a nightmare. All I wanted to do was add a plugin to my website so people can buy PDFs directly from my website instead of emailing me. First WordPress.com doesn’t allow plugins without the extremely expensive business plan, then when I switched to WordPress.org, I ran into all sorts of problems with hosting the website, and now problems with plugins — it’s been a nightmare. All I wanted to do was make ONE little change to my website and it’s been a debacle for weeks with one problem after another.

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    @michaelrmurrin yes, you are correct that the Per Product Emails plugin is $29 per year.

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling to find a system that will do what you need at little to no cost. That has to be frustrating.

    If the number one blocker is the customized purchase receipts, I would suggest you consider which is worth more to you: the time and effort it’s taking to find a completely free system or the $29 fee to have the functionality provided for you.

    Note, we do have a 30-day money back policy, so if you do decide to purchase the plugin, you have 30 days risk-free to try it. If you don’t like it or it doesn’t work the way you need, we’ll give your money back no questions asked.

    Since there has been no recent activity, we will mark this resolved.

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