• Resolved audunmb


    I have a weird issue where sometimes the activated and deactivated plugins on my site get reset. So some plugins that should be active gets deactivated and some deactivated plugins are reactivated. I’ve done a lot of research (trying to check for plugins conflicts, reading trough whatever logs that is available, etc) and what seems to be happening is that the database post for what is active (active_plugins in wp_options-table) is somehow reset to a previous state.

    Could this happen in some way due to a cache issue with the database? If so, what can I do to prevent it?

    I have database cache to disk enabled.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @audunmb

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    W3 Total Cache does not change anything in the options table. With DB cahcing, W3TC is caching the requests. Those cached reuqests are saved in the Memory if you are using Redis or Memcached, or to /cache/ folder if caching to disk.

    So this issue is not related to the W3 Total Cache.
    This may occur if you migrated the DB and changed the URL. Howver, this seems not related to the W3TC, and you can confirm that by disabling DB caching, and deleting the db folder from the /cache/ folder.

    I hope this helps!

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