• Resolved jmadureira


    I did the update of WP to version 5.4 today. After updating I can not open any of my Pages. When I click to open a Page, I get a message “Please wait..” (forever).
    I was trying to fix this, so I deactivated the KingComposer plugin and activated the Classic Editor. The problem was solved, however my website formats are ruined.

    What should I do?

    Please consider that I am a new user, I have only two weeks of experience working with WordPress.

    Thank you!!

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  • lisa


    Is this the website for the King Composer Plug in you mentioned?

    If the issue might be related to the plugin, contacting the plugin specific support team would be the next step. The plugin author might have advice to resolve.

    I took a look at the KingComposer plugin support page and see that others are also running into this issue. You have a few options to move forward:

    1. Contact KingComposer directly via their website. You will likely have more luck getting a faster response there.

    2. Also, it couldn’t hurt to add a comment to this topic informing them that you also are experiencing issues.

    3. Painful as it might be, it could be worth your time to investigate a different page builder. I am seeing topics about compatibility errors happening after the last few WordPress updates on the KingComposer support page.

    Thread Starter jmadureira


    Thank you very much!
    I solved the problem. The solution was to install the Classic Editor plugin. It seems that it disables the Gutenberg Editor, allowing the KingComposer to work.
    Michael Arestad you have a good point there. I need to rethink my page builder.

    Guys I am facing the same problem, I did the update of WP to version 5.4 today. After updating I can not open any of my Pages. When I click to open a Page, I get a message “Please wait..” (forever).

    I am non technical, please suggest how to get rid off this.

    Thank in Advance

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