• Resolved fotov60


    Hello everyone!

    I have been using the Jetpack Protect plugin on my site and have been analyzing its performance with the help of the Query Monitor tool. During the analysis, I have noticed some load times that I would like to optimize and seek advice on specifically improving them in Jetpack Protect.

    Below are the areas I would like to focus on, based on the data provided by Query Monitor for Jetpack Protect:

    DNS resolution time, connection time, and start transfer time: According to the Query Monitor data for Jetpack Protect, I have observed that some API calls made by the plugin have the following load times:
    DNS resolution time: 0.0003 seconds
    Connection time: 0.2007 seconds
    Start transfer time (TTFB): 0.4409 seconds
    I would like to know specific strategies or configurations that I can implement in Jetpack Protect to reduce these times and improve the loading speed of my site.

    Overall load time (0.4438 seconds): In addition to the times mentioned above in Jetpack Protect, I would also appreciate any general tips or recommendations to improve the overall load time of my site while using this plugin. Are there any additional settings I can adjust in Jetpack’s configuration or my hosting environment to achieve faster loading?

    I have attached a screenshot of the data obtained by Query Monitor for Jetpack Protect for reference.


    I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or advice you can offer to optimize these load times in Jetpack Protect and enhance the visitor experience on my site.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and expertise on this matter!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by fotov60.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by fotov60.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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