• Resolved audunmb


    I’m going switch to a child theme of twenty twenty three on our live site (currently using a classic theme).

    I have duplicated the live site to a local install and develops everything locally first, before switching to the theme on the live site.

    It’s quite easy to move everything over to the live site, except for menus. The nav block in templates only has a reference number to the menu it should contain.

    Is there a way to move the new menus to the live site?

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hi @audunmb,

    The only way to move the menus to the new site would be to do a full export of content from the local install and then import it into the live site (which I suspect is not a useful approach with a product site).

    The good news is that if you have the menus on the production site – they can be selected to be used in the Navigation Block of the new theme.


    Thread Starter audunmb


    OK, thanks. So the solution would be:

    1. Create the menus I want on the live site backend
    2. Switch themes
    3. Manually import the classic menus into the nav blocks where I need to.

    It works, as there aren’t that menus to care about.

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