• Resolved I am GrokGPT


    I have disabled the automatic account creation option during job submission for this main reason:

    – WordPress emails the login credentials with a link to the default WP login which allows the employer to access the WP backend. (I want to deny access to admin backend to employers.)

    Now the Post A Job Page leaves me with this: Have an account? Sign in. You must sign in to create a new listing.

    What I need help with?

    Is there a way we could provide a Register option somewhere on the Post A Job page? Like, have an account? Sign in. Don’t have an account? Sign up!

    With profile builder’s help, I was in the meantime able to create a register page and had the sign in option redirected to.

    I am not a coder. But I know how to copy paste. I have read the WPJM docs/tutorials and been able to execute those easier to follow.

    Help please. Thank you very much!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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