• Resolved audunmb


    I’m creating a (my first) custom block for adding fact boxes to articles. I’ve created the block with ‘innerBlocks’ and is nearly done, but I’m stuck adding the transforms property.

    I want to be able to transform any block into my block (like a group block) and to be able to transfrom my block back into a group.

    I’m using wp-create-block and it seems like I should add the transforms code in the block.json. But how do I add it there? The code in the documentation is for adding it without block.json.

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  • Thread Starter audunmb


    OK. I can’t add it to block.json, I have to add it as I register the block. With the wp-create-block script, that’s in edit.js.

    Still I can’t get it to work.

    I tried to copy from another block, but it still don’t work. Now I have:

    const settings = {
    	transforms: {
    		from: [
    		type: 'block',
    		isMultiBlock: true,
    		blocks: [ '*' ],
    		__experimentalConvert( blocks ) {
    		const groupInnerBlocks = blocks.map( ( block ) => {
    	return createBlock(
    	} );
    return createBlock(

    This is more or less the same code that is in another block which works for grouping blocks, but my block won’t work.

    Thread Starter audunmb


    The above code didn’t work because I didn’t import ‘create-block’. This wors

    import { registerBlockType, createBlock } from '@wordpress/blocks';
    registerBlockType( metadata.name, {
    	transforms: {	
               from: [
                type: 'block',
                blocks: [ 'core/group' ],
                transform: ( attributes, innerBlocks ) => {
                    return createBlock(
    	to: [
                type: 'block',
                blocks: [ 'core/group' ],
                transform: ( attributes, innerBlocks ) => {
                    return createBlock(
    } );
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