• Forget it. You can’t just buy the plugin, you have to have your site managed from WPMU DEV with an extra plugin dashboard.

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  • Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @twohills

    I hope you are doing well today.

    I assure you that WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin is not a trojan. WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin is na API bridge between your site and WPMU DEV HUB, which allows to use all Pro features we offer in our plugins and HUB in general. You can find more informations here:


    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter twohills


    why is there no option to just have a plugin? There was no warnig that I need other plugins just to administer it and that I would have to sign up for some Hub just to use it, until after you took my money

    I switched to another plugin which works perfectly

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by twohills.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by twohills.
    Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi again @twohills

    Please note we talk about the Pro version of Smush (a stand-alone plugin) here which has nothing to do with this Free version in the org repository.

    Regarding the WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin and API, this is how our authentication system works on wpmudev.com.

    The wp.org is not the right place for this review as it’s only about the free version which is another project, and when it comes to complaints about the Pro version you can go directly to our email contact@wpmudev.com.

    Kind Regards,

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