• It’s pretty easy to set up digital downloads for purchase and everything. But I’ve already run into 2 annoying problems. 1: You can’t set up individual purchase receipts for each product. You have to send the customer a 2nd email in ADDITION to the purchase receipt. This is extremely unnecessary and illogical for my case, because some downloads are free, and some are purchases. I really should be able to have separate purchase receipts for different downloads. If the purchase receipt already includes both the receipt AND the download link, WHY should there be a need to send 2 emails??? Just let us include everything in one email!

    The 2nd annoying problem is, if I want to change the message in the purchase receipt email, they don’t provide you with the text and coding of the original email. So if you want to change just one word in the purchase receipt email — well, too bad, you have to rebuild that email message from scratch – they won’t give you the text/code for the original email.

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