• davidginzberg


    The latest version of the plugin, version 2.6.10, appears to introduce fatal file-not-found errors in the Freemius directory. I have encountered this on production and staging sites running ACF Pro and ACF Blocks, as well as on a fresh install of ACF (free) and ACF Blocks on a local development site. The issue appears to be in line 16 of freemius/require.php which produces the following error:

    Warning: require_once([<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius/includes/fs-html-escaping-functions.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius\require.php on line 16

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘[<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius/includes/fs-html-escaping-functions.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/www/wp-content/pear’) in [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius\require.php:16 Stack trace: #0 [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius\start.php(486): require_once() #1 [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\acf-blocks.php(30): require_once(‘[<site path>]…’) #2 [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\acf-blocks.php(53): acfb_fs() #3 [<site path>]\wp-admin\includes\plugin.php(2314): include_once(‘[<site path>]…’) #4 [<site path>]\wp-admin\plugins.php(192): plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘acf-blocks/acf-…’) #5 {main} thrown in [<site path>]\wp-content\plugins\acf-blocks\freemius\require.php on line 16

    It looks like the file in question, fs-html-escaping-functions.php does not exist in version 2.6.10 as downloaded via the built-in plugin installer, and the plugin does not handle the stream opening failure gracefully.

    I’ve disabled and removed the plugin on our sites temporarily while evaluating options to fix this via rollback. If this is a known issue and there is a timeline for a patch that info would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Liam Gladdy


    Hey @davidginzberg,

    Really sorry about this. Looks like we had an issue with the deployment that’s now resolved. If you redownload the plugin from WordPress.org it should work correctly now, but please let us know if you have any other issues.


    Thread Starter davidginzberg


    Hi @lgladdy,

    Thanks for the update. I’ve verified that this no longer produces the fatal error on our sites.

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