• I am one of several people whose website was removed from Bing SERP after adding this plug in. Although my website meets all the guidelines / requirements of BING and I had zero technical issues and was passing all tests, I was initially told by BING help center (after weeks of waiting) that the site wasn’t meeting requirements, which I knew was unlikely. So when I pushed the issue, it was escalated and my site was indexed again. However, a few weeks later my site was once again de-indexed. This time I removed the plugin then contacted Bing again and had to wait months (something about you can’t submit another request within a month of another??) for the issue to be once again resolved. Which it eventually was and, because I no longer use the plugin, this time I have remained on the index (but after months off, I’ve lost my good rankings). I gave two stars to the plug in rather than one because the support team did try!

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