• Resolved net


    Ronald, wondering is it possible to display plugin’s messages (the ones customizable in Appearance Settings tab) both vertically and horizontally centered in the browser window?

    Or even better to display them centered in the comment form, since the user has just clicked Send button right below such form.

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  • Plugin Author Ronald Huereca


    Hiya, you can achieve this today via CSS.

    .wpac-overlay {
    	top: 45% !important;

    If this CSS helps, please consider leaving a star rating.

    I plan on overhauling the overlay in a later version, so I’ll keep these ideas in mind, especially inline messages.

    Thread Starter net


    Thanks Ronald, I think it is more visible this way.

    Now not sure about previous suggestion for centering it inside the comment form, since this form is not necessarily visible on screen if user scrolls too much.

    Maybe to display the message below Submit button, like Contact Form 7 does, and leave it there, instead of fading out from the screen.

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