• Resolved labbapo11


    which of the following does NOT work with disable_functions:


    Thanks, Per

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter labbapo11


    Of course I meant,

    which of the following does NOT work with Akismet:

    but the CSS in “edit post” made it impossible. Phew.

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    I’m not sure I understand; these are all PHP functions that, if you have appropriate access, you can use in your scripts and plugins in whatever manner you choose. Akismet wouldn’t have anything to do with that.

    Thread Starter labbapo11


    I am referring to php.ini settings and proper execution of Akismet may not work with all of the above.

    Other examples are allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Akismet should function fine with all of those functions disabled (inasmuch as WordPress itself will continue to function).

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