• Resolved net


    How to disable all ads, i.e. all “Blocks” including “HTML Page Header Code” for specific 200 posts?

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  • Plugin Author Spacetime



    shortcode [adinserter disable="1, 2, 3, …"] disables insertion of blocks with numbers 1, 2, 3 into post/page content. Use # to disable all blocks.

    This approach is also possible:

    Header code needs to be inserted via a block using this method:

    Thread Starter net


    I understand that Black and White Lists are per block, so would need to add 200 post ids to black list to every block?

    Is there some general black list to avoid doing that and to avoid editing each post just to add shortcode?

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    If you need to disable ads only for some posts then you need to list the posts somewhere.

    You don’t have to edit each post, you can automatically insert the shortcode only for those posts. Configure one block with the shortcode and insert it in the header for those posts – use the same approach for insertion as for the header code.

    Thread Starter net


    That’s great, thank you!

    It is also important to use wp_head with higher priority than header code block is using, so blacklist shortcode can execute first.

    I think this question and answer should be added to FAQ.

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    Thanks for the suggestion!

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