• arskrigitsioniets


    Developers decided to update database and screwed up the plugin. The update function just doesn’t work, despite I turned off all cache plugins and made every other action indicated in manual. It’s impossible to update the plugin anymore without cleaning and reinstalling. It’s good that I only have a dozen events, but not thousands.

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  • Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Hey @arskrigitsioniets,

    Leah from the TEC team here. Thanks for posting so we can hopefully help get things sorted for you.

    I’m part of the team that built the migration tool and I’ve been able to help some of our customers who ran into trouble even after following our migration guide. Sometimes there’s something very specific with site configuration or event settings that can complicate things. I’d be happy to take a look at your site to help identify and solve the problems.

    Please submit a support ticket at https://my.theeventscalendar.com/get-help/ and note that you’d like my help with migration. That’ll get routed to me and I’ll be able to take a look and get things back on track for you.



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