• Resolved tacraw88


    How might one go about changing the registered POST TYPE for Event Tickets?

    I believe it currently/automatically generates the post type of “events” when the plugin is installed. However, I already have a custom post type called “Events” – and when I try to activate Event Tickets for that post type, I get a “503” error (every time) . . . which tells me that there is a conflict due to the identical post type registration.

    So, what I am hoping to learn is how I can change the post type registration name for the Event Tickets plugin – say, to something like “tickets” – rather than “events.”

    THANK YOU for any insight and/or guideance you can provide. 🙂

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  • Plugin Author Zach Tirrell


    This is an interesting conflict as all our post types are prefixed:
    * tec_tc_ticket
    * tec_tc_attendee
    * tec_tc_order

    Could you share more details on the error you are seeing or the plugin this is conflicting with? Perhaps it’s not the post type but something else conflicting.

    Plugin Support Erica


    Hey there! This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved. Please feel free to open a new thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂

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