• I am unable to change the text link color now that I have upgraded to 4.8.

    NOTE: I can create text and then edit the color of the text FIRST then add the link and it will maintain the color but that is just not always a feasible option.

    But…I am unable to change the color if a link has already been created.

    Links are already such an annoyance having to do so many steps: Click the paper clip, enter link, click to apply, click the wheel, tick button to open in new page, tick button to no follow, hit update…just for one simple link–YIKES!! This just adds another level of frustration!

    Any ideas on the color issues?

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  • Hello @iheartpublix

    Please provide a link to a page on your site where we can see this.


    I can echo that the same thing is happening to me. I can type the text, then add the Hyperlink, and find that I can’t change the text color for the Hyperlink after it’s created.

    I’ve tested this in multiple sites, including completely clean installs, and found that this gets broken the moment I upgrade to 4.8.

    A solution or workaround would be greatly appreciated, as this is pushing back my deployment date for multiple projects.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by lastvanguard.

    I’m able to verify the issue reported above in Firefox 54.0 on my Macbook Pro. The link color does not change if the link is added first. You must change the color of the text first before turning it into a link. This seems like a bug.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Jeffro.
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