• Hi, I don’t see anyway to locate a marker by address. I see the gps location when you move it around but you can’t edit? Is the only way to locate an icon by moving it around?

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  • Plugin Author Joe


    Hi @nldsmarc ,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Is the only way to locate an icon by moving it around?

    I don’t quite follow you, could you provide a little more detail about what you are trying to achieve.

    A little tip to try would be to use the Search feature in the Editor. Once a location is selected it will centre the Map there. If you now add a Marker it will be added to the centre of the Map.

    I hope this helps.



    Thread Starter nldsmarc


    I mean, when you add a location. Can you use an address to make the icon go to the right place or do you have to just manually move it and guestimate the area. So not exact?

    Plugin Author Joe



    A little tip to try would be to use the Search feature in the Editor. Once a location is selected it will centre the Map there. If you now add a Marker it will be added to the centre of the Map.

    Does this not do that for you?

    If not, please could you add more detail about what you would like changed, as I’m not quite following you.



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