• Resolved syntve



    Is there a way that I can change the size of the buy now button and quantity on the productcards that do not affect the button on the product page? When I use CSS to change it changes both places and I can`t seem to find the right class for this. There is also a huge difference in the size of the button on the variable products and the single products, why is that?
    Difference in size can be seen here: https://safety.nortek.st/produktkategori/brannalarm/spesialdeteksjon/linjedetektor/

    Best regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Eduard


    Hello @syntve

    From what I can see, you have some plugins that are affecting the layout of that archive page.

    First, you have added quantity selectors, which is not one of the default options.

    Also, that Wishlist button is not something coming from our end and it is placed in the wrong container, modifying the button itself.

    The structure here is different due to the added code and plugins, so that’s why buttons appear all over the place.

    I’m afraid that we will not be able to provide direct support for these custom modifications. It would be best to get in touch with the providers of these modifications in order to adjust them and make them consistent across. I have also verified that if we remove all the additional code added, everything returns to normal which would confirm from where the issue is coming.

    Hope this clears things up!


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