• We updated our site to Jetpack 4.3.1 and noticed that after publishing two posts on the site that Publicize did not share the posts on Twitter, Facebook, or Google. I checked the connection settings for each and they all appear to be fine with no errors reported.

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  • I’m having the same problem. I tried removing and re-adding everything, and still no go. Also, I could not re-add the site’s Google+ page, only my personal one.

    Exact same thing here.

    This is happening to me as well.

    Opposite problem here. Publicize is sharing my posts on the social networks I haven’t selected for sharing.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    @jeffr0 I assume that’s for WPTavern.com?

    It seems that some of your posts weren’t properly synchronized with WordPress.com upon publication.

    Could you walk me through the steps you followed to compose and publish those posts? Did you schedule them, or publish them directly? Did you use a third-party app to write the posts? Were they all written by the same author?

    @mwalimug @diplatis @fluxwavez I would need to know your site URLs, as well as a few examples of the post that failed, to be able to look into this for you. Could you please use Jetpack’s Debugger module to send us that information, as well as details about your sites’ connection to WordPress.com?

    1) Go to the Jetpack page in your dashboard.
    2) Click on the Debug link appearing at the bottom of the page.
    3) Click the link that says “click here to contact Jetpack support.”
    4) Fill in the description box and your name and email address.
    5) Click the “Contact Support” button.


    Publicize is sharing my posts on the social networks I haven’t selected for sharing.

    @thewebatom That’s indeed a known issue. We’re tracking it here:

    We’ll get this fixed in the next Jetpack release!

    Same over here. 3 different installations on 3 different domains.

    It effects EVERY post after the last update.

    The “similar posts feature” also doesn’t work reliable.

    Thanks for your great work


    Support request submitted, I believe. After resetting the connections, Facebook and Twitter are working for me, but Google+ still is not.

    Website is: http://personacentral.com/

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Reggy.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    @thewebatom That problem you reported should now be fixed!

    Same Problem with Publicize. After disconnect and reconnect it works for ~ 1 day, then Same Problem. ☹️

    I have an email in to you now. The problem continues and is on every post since the update.

    Throwing in my 2 cents!

    Subscription and publicize no longer work after latest update. I have tried syncing, unsubscribing and re-subscribing, disconnecting and re-connecting with WP and JetPack with no luck.

    Checked SPAM filters and server’s EXIM trap. Nothing.

    Same problem here.

    Thread Starter Jeffro


    Ok, I was told by my co-worker that Publicize for whatever reason kicked back in today and is now sending out posts. We didn’t do anything for it to kick back in, it simply started working normally again on its own. Weird.

    What about subscriptions? I had to roll back Jetpack to a prior version to get subscriptions working again.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    @wollepelz @fluxwavez @mobiflip @gaybookreviews @mr-z-1 Could you all please use Jetpack’s Debugger module to send us some more information about your site?

    1) Go to the Jetpack page in your dashboard.
    2) Click on the Debug link appearing at the bottom of the page.
    3) Click the link that says “click here to contact Jetpack support.”
    4) Fill in the description box and your name and email address.
    5) Click the “Contact Support” button.


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