• Resolved Rasso Hilber


    Hi there! I just came over a feature that would come in handy in my setup: At the moment, the bulk-actions on upload.php already contain an option to assign media-taxonomy terms to selected media items. Couldn’t it also contain an option to un-assign terms from the media taxonomy? That would come in really handy.

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  • Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @nonverbla

    The bulk-actions you’re talking about are not only for to assign terms but also to unassign them. If you use the bulk action on an attachment that already has this term assigned, then it will unassign the term. You can see the bulk-actions as “toggle” action that works for both.

    Thread Starter Rasso Hilber


    Hi @faktorvier

    Ah I see! Wouldn’t it maybe then make sense to re-name the optgroup-label to something like “Toggle Categories” or so?

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @nonverbla

    We’ll rename that label in one of our next releases so it should be more clear what it actually does. Thanks for the input!

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