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  • Plugin Author Pierre Lannoy


    Hey, thank you so much for your review @jimmy19742 … Very glad you like it 🙂

    Thread Starter jimmy19742


    Pierre, that’s an important logger for me and look. bellow.I had to delete it because though it was stopped the site wasn’t working. Received via another logger indeed😀:

    timestamp: 2020-02-16 18:07:09
    level: critical
    channel: cron
    message: Due to DecaLog internal errors, the following logger types have been temporarily deactivated: Rotating files, Rotating files.
    class: db
    component: MySQL
    version: 10.1.44

    Rotating files

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by jimmy19742. Reason: typos, I'm without my glasses
    Plugin Author Pierre Lannoy


    Hello Jimmy.
    You’re in a review not in the support forum (???)
    Never mind, the error you see is a’s because you’ve configured a file logger and DecaLog can’t write to the file you specified. It may be due to 2 things:
    – the path you specified doesn’t exists
    – the permissions in the target directory are wrong (no write access).

    Thread Starter jimmy19742


    Thank You and please, excuse me!
    I’ll delete my comments in 15 minites

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