This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WP Quick Image


It’s like the “Quick Draft” dashboard widget, but for images!

Provides a simple dashboard widget that allows you to easily post images.

Settings allow you to control the category and tag that the new post is created in, or you can post to a different post type altogether. Posted images are set as the featured image of the created post, but you can use the settings to control where your image appears.

Here’s an introductory video:

Find out more about the plugin at


  • The “Quick Image” widget on the WordPress dashboard.
  • A populated widget showing a preview image.


  1. Upload the wp-quick-image folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Alternatively you can upload from Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin


Why would I use this?

I developed this because I wanted to post image-only posts to my blog, and set that image as the featured image, which makes use of theme features that display featured images.

It’s also great for posting images to Facebook. If you use a pluign like Yoast’s WordPress SEO then you can automatically have OpenGraph data generated for posts and you can post images on your blog to Facebook, without ever uploading them to Facebook!

This video demonstrates how posting to Facebook works and looks:

Why don’t you use post formats?

Because the future of post formats seems a little uncertain and not all themes support them.

Why don’t you include the image in the post content?

Mostly because the theme I use displays the featured image really nicely and so this isn’t needed. However, there is now an option (in Settings -> WP Quick Image) that lets you add the image to the content. This adds a full size copy of the image to the START of your content. I may provide more control over this in future.

Can I post to a specific category/tag?

Yes, as of version 0.2 you can set this in the options. Go to Settings -> WP Quick Image to set this up.

Can I post as a draft?

No, but this is an option I plan to add in future.


January 5, 2017
Worked right out of the box as described. No bugs or anything. Nice settings to adjust the look and feel like the line height or the color. Good work, I like it a lot!
Read all 3 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Quick Image” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added some error checking on submit
  • Tested with WordPress 4.3 and 4.4


  • Added options – you can now set category, tag, and post type, and control content to some extent.


  • Fixed more info in README and bumped version no.


  • Added the plugin name to the README. Oops! (Hey, it’s my first plugin on the repo!)


  • Updated a line in the README that I missed


  • Initial release