Tracking Code Manager


Tracking Code manager is a plugin that give you the ability to manage ALL third party tracking codes and scripts in one single interface.

This plugin is a service of

Data443 is a Data Security and Privacy Compliance company that is publicly traded ATDS. We have been providing leading GDPR compliance products such as WordPress GDPR Framework and Data Identification Manager, Blockchain privacy, and enterprise cloud eDiscovery tools.

It doesn’t matter where you want to put the codes, because with Tracking Code Manager you can place the codes on any page, any location with complete freedom. Maintain compliance with worldwide privacy laws by segmenting your pixel tracking, blocking by country or location if you wish. Remove or update pixels quickly with a single mouse click.

Very quickly add custom codes for world leading user enhancement platforms like Google Analytics, Facebook Custom Audiences, Facebook Retargeting, Google Remarketing, Zendesk, Live Chat tools, eye tracking analytics, popups, affiliate tracking pixels and so on…

For every single service you may use – or even test – you’ll have to put a script or a tracking pixel in the <head> or <body> tag of your WordPress site OR in some of its pages. Manually. You may even break pages or themes!

Maintin privacy compliance for your users by removing tags for certain locations, pages or types of content. Make advanced decisions based privacy laws that apply to your region!

Tracking Code Manager plugin allows you to gather EVERY code and snippet displaying them exactly where you want, whether in the whole site or in specific pages and posts. Very quickly, simply. More importantly, you will be able to remove them just as quickly – without any fuss.

When it comes to track conversions on a WordPress page it’s easy… but if it’s a “dynamic thank you page” is a big problem.

Tracking Code Manager plugin DETECT AUTOMATICALLY your e-commerce plugin (WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads or WP eCommerce) and let you put the conversion pixels every time someone completes a sale on your store.
In addition you also have the ability to track a single product at time 😉
Check some screenshots here.


Since almost every service requires some sort of tracking, update, javascript update or other customization – you can make it extremely simply with this plugin – the fast Tracking Code Manager plugin.


Its very easy to break your site! Putting the tracking code directly in the theme files, you risk to lose important trackings or external service integrations when it will be updated. We have all been there!

With Tracking Code Manager you can forget about this problem also if you will change your theme in the future. Because we are external to the theme – you have reduced your risk between updates to WordPress and any themes or plugin updates.

Premium version
If you need more advanced feature you can also try our PREMIUM version available in the link This is our official webpage, you will see the plugin in action, with the possibility to buy our PREMIUM version and which includes full support.


  • New tracking code scripts
  • Include tracking code in specific page
  • Choose easily by typing the page title
  • Include also [All] posts or pages without selecting all one-by-one
  • List your tracking codes defined


  1. Download
  2. Upload to your plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Put your tracking code, script or iframe in the plugin by going to the Settings => Tracking Code Manager menu

You can also click on this link to see a full explanation. This is our official webpage, you will see the plugin in action, with the possibility to buy PREMIUM version and have full support.

For documentation click here:


Bug Reports
Feel free to reach us by email for any problem you have with our plugins.
Describe the steps to reproduce the bug and we will be happy to help!
To report a bug use the form at

Do you have a video that show me the plugin working?

Sure! Click on the link for a full explanation. This is our official webpage, you will see the plugin in action, with the possibility to buy PREMIUM version and have full support.

Will this plugin slow down my website?

Absolutely not! Since this plugin is built with lightweight code, and injects on the client side – no one will notice any difference in speed.

Can I put a tracking code or a script in ONE (maybe TWO?) specific page?

Of course you can! You can choose to put the code in a single page, in some posts, or in the whole website (more features in PREMIUM version).

Can I track conversions?

Yep! This is one of the main reason to use this plugin! You can track your conversions by putting the conversion pixel or code ONLY inside the thank you page. Save Money, track more specifically your campaigns and most importantly – GET MORE EFFICIENT with your sales.

Can I manage Facebook Retargeting and Custom Audiences?

Yes! For example you can put Facebook Pixel inside a certain posts of your blog to retarget those users who have already visited that posts on Facebook.

Will this plugin interferes with my Google Analytics plugin?

Nope! We tested the most famous Google Analytics plugins and it will not break any of the most popular ones!

Can I use unlimited tracking codes and conversion pixels?

You have 6 slots to use. Which means six different locations with unlimited tracking codes (enough for 99% of users).

How to verify that a tracking code is properly working?

Have a look at the source code of your page (search for: Tracking Code Manager) or you can install Google Chrome Add-ons. We suggest FB Pixel Helper for Facebook codes and Tag Assistant (by Google) for Google codes.


May 24, 2022 1 reply
Felicitaciones, excelente plugin, práctico y muy fácil de usar. Para ser un plugin perfecto para la inserción de códigos en una página construida con WordPress solo le faltaría considerar la opción de insertar códigos en el Footer.
December 18, 2020 1 reply
One of my favorite tools on my tool belt of WordPress plug-ins!
January 30, 2020 4 replies
I purchased this product as a single site license: “Thank you for your purchase. Please click on the link(s) below to download your files. Tracking Code Manager PRO – SKU: – – Single-site” After a year I received an email that my license is about to expire. I asked if that means that the product will stop working. “Your purchased licence includes one year of free product updates and premium support. After one year, you can still use the products you’ve purchased, however you will no longer have access to file downloads, updates or premium support.” This statement was untrue as it turned out after the license expired: “Unfortunately, if the license key is expired, you won’t be able to access to the option panel.” Asked about the wrongful product description as single site instead of annual license support replied: “Unfortunately, the only thing i can do is forward your email to our commercial department to improve the sales and faqs page.” I am very surprised is giving a platform to these kind of business practices.
Read all 58 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Tracking Code Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



For detailed release notes, see our documentation here:


Release Date – 2024-7-3

  • In a multisite configuration, the unfiltered_html capability is required to change plugin settings (the Super-Admin role has this by default).


Release Date – 2024-3-7

  • RDU-1121 Fix a potential vulnerability


Release Date – 2024-2-22

  • Fix a potential vulnerability
  • Fix PHP warnings


Release Date – 2022-12-8

  • Validate plugin with WordPress 6.1
  • IWP-486 Add new feature to the premium promotion
  • IWP-501 Fix possible exception error
  • IWP-508 Fix an activation conflict with the premium plugin


Release Date – 2022-8-25

  • IWP-499 Fix conflict with Jetpack


Release Date – 2022-8-18

  • IWP-487 Update the html tag list used to sanitize codes


Release Date – 2022-7-26

  • IWP-477 Fix bug that created html entities in JavaScript code
  • IWP-478 Fix bug that split a code between the head and body


Release Date – 2022-7-15

  • IWP-466 Update contact email
  • IWP-467 Provide input fields to modify the code tag and attribute whitelist


Release Date – 2022-7-13

  • IWP-465 Fix issue with sanitizing image/video objects


Release Date – 2022-7-12

  • IWP-462 – Update select2 library
  • IWP-464 – Fix encoding of JavaScript operators after sanitization


Release Date – 2022-7-11

  • IWP-458 – Fix improper removal of an html tag
  • IWP-459 – Recognize the presence of the noscript tag
  • IWP-460 – Fix a bug that modified the displaying of posts and pages


Release Date – 2022-7-8

  • IWP-435 Include the Ace editor in the plugin


Release Date – 2022-6-28

  • IWP-435 Expanded input sanitization to user’s request headers


Release Date – 2022-4-7

  • IWP-419 Fix conflict with WP Super Cache
  • IWP-420 & IWP-421 Add documentation links
  • Reduce PHP requirement to 5.6


Release Date – 2022-2-14

  • IWP-319 Update plugin author
  • IWP-320 Update twitter and facebook links
  • IWP-321 Update welcome message
  • IWP-375 Spelling and link corrections
  • IWP-376 Fix incorrect title on classic editor widget


Release Date – 2021-08-19

  • IWP-309 Fixed duplicate code insertion when WooCommerce conversion was selected.


Release Date – 2021-07-22

  • IWP-50 Enable change of priority in placement of scripts. Add priority setting to admin settings page.
  • IWP-273 Position code at the beginning of the body instead of the end.


Release Date – 2021-06-17

  • IWP-225 Fix PHP 8 Warning


Release Date – 2021-03-10

  • Links Update
  • Tested with WP 5.7 Plugin updated and supported.


Release Date – 2021-01-19

  • Tested with WP 5.6 Plugin updated and supported.

=1.8.2 =
Release Date – 10/17/2020

  • Branding Update Only


Release Date – 13/09/2015

  • [Bugfixes] Fix bugs with “metabox” integration


Release Date – 27/08/2015

  • [Improvements] Not the TCM menu is accessible only at user with “manager_options” permission
  • [Bugfixes] Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 23/08/2015

  • [Improvement] Various fixes


Release Date – 16/08/2015

  • [Bugfix] Corrected warning in EDD conversion
  • [Improvement] Improvement in License authentication


Release Date – 12/06/2015

  • [Bugfix] Corrected errors in categories filter


Release Date – 03/06/2015

  • [Bugfix, thanks Jose] Wrong inclusion on EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class


Release Date – 30/05/2015

  • Added Conversion Tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Download and WP eCommerce
  • Added Whats new page
  • Added videos for a better explanation
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 18/05/2015

  • Some translations corrected
  • Added Tab “FAQ” with some FAQ
  • Removed Feedback from Manager Tab, now only in About Tab
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 09/05/2015

  • [Bugfix, thanks Bradon] Tracking code with “+” (plus) symbol will be changed without this symbol so they don’t works properly
  • [Bugfix, thanks JS,Dale] Now we are compatible with wpMandrill and all other plugins that needs to redefine the wp_mail function
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 25/04/2015

  • [Bugfix, thanks AlfonsBerger] Undefined index: post_type in metabox.php on line 92
  • [Bugfix, thanks Stefan,Eldi] {PREMIUM} Corrected a bug that can cause script missing into HTML using some configuration
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 24/04/2015

  • [Bugfix, thanks boz71] compatible with multisite installation (Network Activation)
  • [Bugfix, thanks AlfonsBerger] Fixed Trying to get property of non-object in ..core.php on line 8
  • [Bugfix, thanks AlfonsBerger] Undefined index: includePostsOfType_product_Active in ..Manager.php on line 155


Release Date – 19/04/2015

  • [Bugfix] in metabox widget
  • [Bugfix] in redirect function causing temporary “header already sent” error
  • [Bugfix] rate us now load from https:// its star image
  • Some translations corrected
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 13/04/2015

  • Insert a non-intrusive rate-us button (top-right of the screen)
  • Bugfix in metabox widget
  • Some translations corrected
  • Minor bugfixes


Release Date – 06/04/2015

  • Created the FREE version following WordPress specs. Branching the PRO version available to buy using website


Release Date – 02/04/2015

  • Fixed a bug that caused the hidden of “Save” button when the license if FREE


  • Introduced new “Except” feature


  • Introduced new “Custom Post type” feature


  • First release