This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Sugar Calendar – WP All Import Add-on


The Sugar Calendar WP All Import Add-on for WP All Import makes it easy to bulk import your events to the Sugar Calendar plugin.

This allows you to easily import many Sugar Calendar Event details, such as: Duration, Recurrence, Location, Title, Description, Featured image, Calendar, and more.

This adds pre-import validation such as:

  • Start date & End date in proper format
  • End date greater than Start date
  • Recurrence details

Sample Data

You can find the sample file to import in ‘sample-data’ folder.


This plugin requires Sugar Calendar as well as WP All Import Free / PRO plugin.

After both the above plugins are installed, download this plugin and you can follow either of the below steps:

  • Visit WordPress Admin > Plugins and upload it
  • Use your favorite FTP application to upload it directly.

The Sugar Calendar WP All Import Add-on will appear in the Step 3 of WP All Import.


WP All Import works with any theme or plugin, so what’s the point of using the Sugar Calendar WP All Import Add-on?

Aside from making your import easier and simpler, the Sugar Calendar WP All Import Add-on will fully support Sugar calendar’s various fields and required settings.


March 8, 2021 6 replies
I’m going to have to eat a little crow on this one. I’ve left my original review below and will be adding this updated review: Initially I had issues getting this plugin to work. I kept getting skipped imports due to duplicate content, failed imports due to date/time issues, and just plain old frustration. Part of this was due to no real information in regards to importing events on the dev’s site. As you can see in the comments below, they responded pretty quickly. I contacted their support and within 24 hours had a response with some details to help aid me. I followed their info but still encountered issues with the date/time. I would fix the date/time on the CSV but still kept getting errors on the import. So I dug deeper into the Numbers app (Mac) and found that by default it set the date/time format in specific manner, so even when I changed it, it still defaulted. So I dug deeper and was able to set the format to what I wanted, and bingo, all was well. So I have to offer an apology on my part for jumping the gun. I should have contacted them first instead of leaving a review first. The conclusion is that this plugin does work and does import duplicate events with different dates/times. Also if you get stuck, reach out to the devs first. ************************************************************************************* Requires you to download a second plugin, WP All Import, in order to work. Even after downloading that plugin, it forces you through several unnecessary steps that still won’t work. Instead of creating the events, it tried to combine the 38 events into one and then failed. This should be a straightforward and easy import/new event creation action but it’s not. Neither plugin can handle events with the same title or event start/end date/time. Needs some serious improvement.
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“Sugar Calendar – WP All Import Add-on” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Initial release