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Introduction to the WordPress Editor

If you’re new to editing in WordPress, this guide will help you get familiar with the editor options and settings in the editor interface.

Learn the Interface

To access the WordPress editor:

  1. Start from your site’s dashboard.
  2. Click on Pages or Posts on the left side.
  3. Click on the title of any page or post to open the editor.

On supported themes, you can also open the editor from Appearance → Editor.

The editor is made up of three main areas:

  1. The top menu
  2. The content area
  3. The sidebar settings
The WordPress Editor displaying the different areas, including the Top Menu, Content Area, and Sidebar.
Areas of the WordPress Editor

Top Menu

At the top of your screen, you will find the following options:

Exit the Editor: Shows the W icon by default, or your Site Icon if you have uploaded this icon. Click to exit the editor.

+ Block Inserter: Add blocks of content to your page, like text, images, and much more.

The edit/pencil icon.

Tools: Choose between editing a block and selecting a block. Choose the Select tool to select individual blocks. Once a block is selected, press the Enter key on your keyboard to return to editing.

Arrow icons pointing to the left and right, to represent undo and redo.

Undo and Redo: Undo an action, or redo an undone action.

Three offset stacked vertical lines, to represent the List View.

List View: View a list of all of the blocks that are on the page. Useful for navigating to different blocks.

The List View icon also opens up a second section named Outline, which shows the title, headings, number of characters, and word count on the page.

The command center shows the page or template title.

Command Center: Shows the title of the page or template you’re editing. Click this area to type a command or search for other pages and templates on your site.

The View button

Change the viewport to view your content on desktop, tablet, or mobile screens. Click “View site” to open your website in a new tab.

The Save button

Save the changes you’ve made. Click once to view the pages and templates affected. Click the “Save” button again to confirm the changes.

The Help button

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Settings: Display or hide the sidebar settings.

A green and white icon for Jetpack, where you can access more settings.

Jetpack: Access extra features powered by our Jetpack plugin.

The Styles icon

Styles: Customize colors, text, and more design options using Styles.

Three vertical dots icon, which you can click to show more options.

Options: Opens additional options.

Content Area

The content area is the largest part of the editor. This is where you add blocks of content to your page, posts, and templates.

Adding blocks to the content area

The Settings sidebar icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The Settings icon at the top of the WordPress Editor highlighted.
The settings icon in the top right corner

Page and Post Settings

When editing a single page or post, the settings sidebar includes the following options:

An arrow points to the settings sidebar icon.
Click the Settings icon to reveal these settings

Block Settings

Switch to the Block tab to access the settings for the specific element you’re working on.

When you click on a block in the content area, the sidebar will switch to the Block tab to show that block’s settings.

One arrow points to the settings sidebar icon and a second arrow points to the block settings tab.
Click the Settings icon and then the Block tab to reveal these settings


The Jetpack sidebar menu allows you to:

  • Share your post to connected social networks.
  • Get your page/post shortlink.
  • Preview how the page/post looks on social media and Google Search. (Plugin-enabled sites only.)
  • Generate a QR code for your page or post.
  • Toggle the “like” and sharing buttons for that page/post.
Click the Jetpack icon to reveal these settings

More Options

To access more options, click the three dots to the right of the Settings icon in the upper right corner. Here, you can customize your editing experience using various options.


Display or hide the top toolbar in the editor. When you enable this option, block toolbars are pinned to the top of the screen instead of appearing directly above the block.

With spotlight mode, all blocks are greyed out except for the one you’re working on so that you can focus on a single block at a time.


By default, you’ll be in the Visual editor. Switch to the Code editor to view the entire page in HTML code.


Displays Jetpack plugin by default, and any other plugins and their settings, if installed on your site.


Here, you can manage existing patterns, learn keyboard shortcuts, revisit the editor welcome guide, copy all content on the page/post, or view additional help resources.


In the Preferences menu you can:

  • Further customize the editing experience.
  • Change how you interact with blocks and which blocks appear when searching for a block.
  • Show or hide individual panels from the page/post settings.
The more options menu.
More Options

Personalize the Editor

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