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Redirect a Site Address

Use a Site Redirect to send traffic from a site address (and all your permalinks) to another site elsewhere. In this guide you’ll learn when to use a site redirect and when to use a different option.

For example, you cannot add a redirect to use the www version of your domain. Or, if you want to set up a site redirect on a custom domain or subdomain, you want to Forward a Domain.

When to Use a Site Redirect

Use a site redirect only when you are leaving and wish to send traffic from a site address to another site elsewhere.

You cannot add a redirect to use the www version of your domain.

Before setting up a site redirect, confirm this is the appropriate action for what you are trying to accomplish. For example:

If you’ve just registered or transferred a domain to and want your site to show up on it, set the domain as your primary site address instead of setting up a redirect.

Create a Site Redirect

If you have determined that you need a site redirect, follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Open the site redirect screen here.
  2. Enter the domain or URL address where you want your traffic to be redirected.
  3. Click the “Go” button.
  4. Confirm your purchase and complete the checkout process.
  5. Select the Site Redirect as the primary address by going to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin), clicking the … next to the domain, and selecting the “make primary site address” option.
The Site Redirect form.
The site redirect screen

Site redirects can only point to a non-SSL (http://) URL. If you have SSL set up on the site you’re redirecting to, the http-to-https redirect will be handled on that site’s end.

For the site redirect to work correctly on pages besides the homepage, the permalinks on the site you’re redirecting to should match those at uses the following post permalink structure: Visitors may see an error message if the destination site does not use the same structure.

Site redirects can be used with domain names or directory paths but not individual files or pages. For example:

Not OK:

Disable a Redirect

If you want to turn off the redirect for a while but don’t want to delete it, make your default address your site’s primary address instead of the redirect.

You can turn on the redirect anytime by returning to this screen and setting the site redirect URL as the primary address again.

Delete a Redirect

To delete a redirect:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin).
  3. Click on the site redirect.
  4. Select the “Delete” option.

You can also remove the site redirect from the Purchases screen.

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