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Transfer a Domain to Another Account

This guide will show you how to transfer a domain to another person’s account on The steps described below apply both to domains registered with and connected domains registered with another provider.

Transfer a Domain Not Attached to a Site

If the domain is not attached to any site, you can use the following steps to transfer such a domain to another user account. You will see such domains with the “Add site” link on the All Domains screen:

Screenshot of the "All Domains" page showing an "Add site" link corresponding to a domain that's not attached to any site.
Add a site for a domain that’s not yet attached to any site.

Step 1: Start the Transfer

To transfer a domain that is not attached to any site to another user:

  1. Visit the All Domains page in your account.
  2. Click on the domain to open its Settings page.
  3. Click on the “Transfer” button on the right sidebar.
Domain settings screen showing the Transfer button on the right sidebar.
  1. In the “To another user” section, click on the “Continue” button.
Domain transfer screen with Continue button highlighted in the "To another user" section.
  1. Add the new owner’s email address in the “Enter domain recipient’s email for transfer” box, and click the “Transfer domain” button.
Screenshot of the domain transfer page showing the box to add recipient's email address, and the "Transfer domain" button.

Step 2: Accept the Transfer

The new owner will then receive an email asking them to accept the transfer.

To accept the transfer, the new owner must click the “Accept the transfer” button in the email.

Screenshot of the email with the "Accept the transfer" button, sent to new owner's email address.

Step 3: Add the Domain Contact Details

  1. When the new owner clicks the “Accept the transfer” button in the email, they will be asked to add their contact details and click the “Accept domain transfer” button.
Screenshot of the domain contact details to be added by the new owner.
  1. The new owner will then see a message that the domain transfer is underway to their account. They can click the “Manage domains” button to manage the domain from their account.
Screenshot confirming the domain transfer to the new owner, with the "Manage domains" button.

Transfer a Domain Attached to a Site

If the domain is attached to a site, you can use the following steps to transfer the domain to another user account.

Step 1: Add the New Owner as an Administrator

First, add the new owner as a site admin if they aren’t one already. To add the new owner as an admin:

  1. Visit the dashboard of the site your domain is associated with.
  2. Navigate to Users Add New.
  3. In the box for Role, select Administrator.
  4. Type their email or username in the box provided.
    • If the new owner already has a non-admin role on the site, you can change their role to admin at Users → All Users.
  5. Click the Send invitation button.
  6. Wait for the new owner to accept the invitation to join the site as an admin, then move on to the next step.
The Add Team Members screen, with the Admin role selected.
Adding a new site administrator

Step 2: Move the Domain

Now that the new owner is an admin on the site with the domain, you can move the domain ownership to them. Follow these steps to move the domain to the new owner:

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin).
  2. Click the domain you want to transfer from the list:
Domain selection screen with an orange arrow pointing to a domain you can click on.
  1. On the next screen, click the “Transfer” button in the sidebar.
The option to transfer the domain is on the right, under the Add professional email button.
  1. Here, you can transfer the domain to another user, site, or provider. Select the “To another user” option and click the “Continue” button:
The option to transfer to another user is highlighted.
  1. On the next screen, you will find a drop-down list of all administrator users on your site. Select the new admin you added in step 1:
The "choose an administrator" drop-down is highlighted in orange.

Review the important notice that you authorize us to act as your Designated Agent to complete the transfer on your behalf. This applies to registered domains only (not domains connected from another provider.)

  1. Click the “Transfer domain” button. You will be presented with one last confirmation pop-up:
Confirm Transfer button.
  1. Once you click the “Confirm Transfer” button, the domain will be transferred to the new owner.

Step 3: Update the Domain Contact Details

Domain owners are required to provide current and valid contact information. Therefore, remind the new owner to update their contact details on the domain from your information to theirs.

Enable Auto-Renewal

To ensure the new owner doesn’t let the domain expire by accident, they can add a payment method and enable auto-renewal for the domain from their account.

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