Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

29 плагинов
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    Автор Sergey Biryukov, Mikhail Kobzarev, Igor Gergel
    Преобразует не-латинские символы в ярлыках записей, страниц и рубрик в латинские.
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    AutoConvert Greeklish Permalinks
    Автор Dimitris Mavroudis
    Convert Greek characters to Latin on all your site's permalinks instantly.
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    Longer Permalinks
    Автор Giannis Economou
    Allow long permalinks in your WordPress. Useful especially for using non-latin characters in permalinks. Respects future relevant core updates.
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    Автор Alexander Butyuhin
    Converts Ukrainian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.
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    SP RTL (RusToLat)
    Автор spoot1986
    This plugin converts Cyrillic characters in post, page slugs to Latin characters.
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    Greeklish Slugs
    Автор Kostas Charalampidis
    Translitaration of greek characters to latin for post permalinks with some extra options. (greeklish)
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    Bulglish Permalinks
    Автор Boyan Raichev
    This plugin converts Bulgarian cyrillic characters in slugs and filenames to Latin characters, according to the official rules for transliteration.
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    Pinyin Slugs
    Автор SO WP
    Transforms Simplified or Traditional Chinese character titles into Pinyin to create a permalink friendly slug.
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    Simple Slug Translate
    Автор Ko Takagi
    Simple Slug Translate can translate the post, page, category and taxonomy slugs to English automatically.
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    Geo to Lat
    Автор Dimitri Gogelia
    Converts Georgian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.
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    Автор Dilip Soni
    Converts Hindi characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.
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    Автор Bertilo Wennergren
    This plugin gives better transliteration of non-ASCII characters in slugs.
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    Cyrillic Permalinks
    Автор Petko Bossakov
    Automatically transliterates Cyrillic letters in post and page permalinks to their Latin phonetic equivalent. Multi-language.
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    Транслитерируй это
    Автор Ichi-nya
    Для автозамены русских слов в url на английский или в транслит
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    Автор David Davtyan
    Converts Armenian characters in post,page and term links to Latin characters.
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    Plugin Name: RO Slugs
    Автор Vali Petcu & Friends
    Cleans up over 30 problematic characters from your slugs that the original wordpress does not clean:
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    Автор Aydin Cavadli
    This plugin converts Azeri characters "ə,ğ,ö,ü,i,ı,ç,ş" in post slugs to Latin characters.
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    Enable Numeric Slugs
    Автор Mr.ING
    Use post titles and slugs made of only numbers.
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    Автор Folk
    Useful for creating human-readable URLs.
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    Redirect Old Slugs
    Автор Mark Jaquith
    Allows you to change your post slugs without breaking your permalinks.