Feedback and Discussion
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Feedback and Discussion

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We hope you’ve enjoyed this Getting Started course and are excited about your website creation journey. Be sure to revisit the materials often for updates and refreshers.

As you’ve discovered, there are many forks in the road and different approaches you can take for creating your website. Common next steps after this course are the Quick Launch course or the Create Your Site course. However…

Since there are no rules on the order you consume the materials in our learning hub, the next step of your journey is going to depend on your unique needs. But our Learning Hub Roadmap is a terrific resource to help you figure out where you want to go next.

Subscribe now to receive email notifications when we update materials and release new resources.

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Thank you

Last but not least, thank you for choosing to learn with us. We’re excited to see what you’ll create with your newfound knowledge.

We’d also love to hear about your experience↗︎ with this course. Your feedback helps us improve and offer more relevant content in the future. Please share your thoughts, questions, or suggestions with us.

If you’re really in a helping mood, we also have a market research survey↗︎ that we’d love to get your input on. This information helps us learn and also allows us to give valuable feedback to our product developers.

Remember, the world needs your unique voice and expertise. So go forth, create, and share your knowledge with the world!


Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments! Use the comment section below to celebrate, and share your thoughts with other students who have also completed this course.

This discussion section is a new feature, so if you’re the first one here, or there’s not much activity yet, please help to get things going by leaving a comment.


  1. Allyson St Denis Avatar
    Allyson St Denis

    This was very helpful

    1. Tanya Thibodeau Avatar

      Thank you for sharing Allyson! That’s great to hear 😊

  2. ryzellemagbanua Avatar

    Thank you for the information, it was very detailed and helpful.

    1. Tanya Thibodeau Avatar

      Lovely to hear. Thank you for spending your time with us 😊

  3. tulip4u2 Avatar

    I’m super-excited about taking this new journey into something totally different and new. 

    I found the course to be really clear and straightforward giving me enough helpful information to just dive right in and start playing around.

    Thank you so much

    1. Tanya Thibodeau Avatar

      Thank you for sharing! We’re excited for you and are thrilled that the course has provided you with what you need 😊

  4. JudahJackson Avatar

    As the saying goes, “It’s better to have and not need than to need and not have.” This preview is very detailed and thorough, ensuring that you develop a solid understanding and confidence in learning about WordPress. At times it was redundant and long winded for a preview to building a website, some lessons will be best learned in a kinesthetic mode of learning as you reach the “Getting Started” course. However, you have created an excellent course that effectively teaches students to understand the mechanics, organize a plan, and motivates one to use the endless WordPress options to CREATE a masterpiece.!!! I’m very grateful for your course. Thank you for being so generous. GOD bless you 100 fold, for what you do unto the least of people, you do unto GOD who will bless you for all you give :) 


    1. Tanya Thibodeau Avatar

      Thank you so much for this excellent feedback! We will continue to working on improving materials, but are thrilled that you’ve found the course to be beneficial.

  5. rubygarson Avatar

    Learning a lot. and the training is all so self paced. thats Awesome. Completed the getting started and planning modules now. going on to the next two areas to help me complete and improve my understanding of all the things I’ve yet to learn so I can succeed in a big way. Sharing the love and Kindness of God!

    Have a Heart for God. I want to create a movement where people join me and also stand up and be Bold for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, sharing our love with others and creating products and training to help others to end their suffering and overcome self defeating habits. among other things.

    Thank you for All the training Hope to eventually go thru all of the training with time. and do as I learn. and so far its working already have my first page set up and stripe is now active so I may publish it shortly and not wait till its finished, as it is a work in progress I do know that. 

    Take Care for now. Thanks Again. God Bless!

    Ruby E. Garson

    Owner, Garson Gifts

  6. Jean Carlo Pinzon Avatar

    Me parece muy completo, muy interactivo y amigable permitiendo entrar en un contexto al mundo de creación digital

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