Easy Testimonials Plugin is a WordPress plugin to display your client review or testimonial in your WordPress website.
Ultimo aggiornamento
May 30, 2024
Easy Testimonials Slider Plugin

This plugin is very helpfull to add interesting testimonials of your client’s. Make your customer recommendations, your ladder to success with this WP plugin.

Plugin Documentation: http://sajuahmed.epizy.com/?p=770

You can changes settings

  • Color Theme – You can changes color theme.
  • Hover Color – You can changes hover color.
  • Display Post – You can display number of post.
  • Auto Play – You can set auto play.
  • Display Navigation – You can show/off navigation.

You can select/change

  • Number of Post.
  • jQuaery Settings.
  • Background Color.
  • Text Color.
  • Text Hover Color.
  • All are dynamic.

You can make my day by submitting a positive review on WordPress.org!


  • Go to your Dashboard after installation and navigate to “Testimonial >> Settings” to configure the testimonial.


  • Very easy installation
  • Shortcode system
  • Unlimited color variation by using jQuery color picker.
  • Responsive design
  • Flexible and easy to use
  • Lightweight JQuery
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.