Perbanyak fitur situs Anda dengan plugin

Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan ribuan plugin.

184 plugin
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    Classic Widgets
    oleh WordPress Contributors
    Enables the previous "classic" widgets settings screens in Appearance - Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
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    Disable Admin Notices individually
    oleh Creative Motion
    Disable admin notices plugin gives you the option to hide updates warnings and inline notices in the admin panel.
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    Disable Comments
    oleh rbPlugins
    Disable Comments - easy tool to disable comments for your blog posts, and pages. Admin can disable comments in just a few clicks.
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    Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)
    oleh Ryan Hellyer
    This plugin disables the new WordPress emoji functionality. GDPR friendly.
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    Disable Search
    oleh Scott Reilly
    Disable the built-in front-end search capabilities of WordPress.
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    Disable auto-update Email Notifications
    oleh Joltmailer
    This plugin performs a simple task of disabling email notifications that are sent by WordPress when a plugin or theme auto-updates.
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    Disable Feeds
    oleh Samir Shah, BBpress support by Matthew Sigley
    Disables all RSS/Atom/RDF feeds on your WordPress site.
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    Disable WP Sitemaps
    oleh Jeff Starr
    Activate this plugin to disable the auto-generated WP Sitemaps (added in WP v5.5).
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    Disable Author Archives
    oleh freemp
    Disable Author Archives completely removes author archives and makes the web server return status code 404 ('Not Found') instead.
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    Disable WP REST API
    oleh Jeff Starr
    Disables the WP REST API for visitors not logged into WordPress.
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    Disable WordPress Update Notifications and auto-update Email Notifications
    oleh Prem Tiwari
    Disables WordPress core update notification and plugins update notification update checks and notifications.
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    Disable Updates for WordPress Core, Plugins and Themes
    oleh Johan van der Wijk
    Disables the WordPress update checking and notification system for all core, plugin and theme updates.
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    Disable All WordPress Updates
    oleh Oliver Schlöbe
    Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs, plugin/theme update health checks and notification system.
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    Disable Everything
    oleh Dessky Team
    Greatly Improve Performance by Disabling All Unnecessary Features. All with this One lightweight plugin.
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    Disable Media Pages
    oleh Johannes Siipola
    Completely remove "attachment" pages for WordPress media. Improve SEO and prevent conflicts between page and image permalinks.
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    Disable Media Sizes
    oleh Jeff Starr
    Provides options to disable the extra images generated by WordPress.
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    Disable Generate Thumbnails
    oleh Katsushi Kawamori
    Select the thumbnails and functions to disable it.
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    WPS Notice Center
    oleh WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation, benoti
    WPS Notice Center makes it possible to hide all the instructions and to combine them in a single record to unfold. Take full advantage of your WordPre …
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    Disable User Login
    oleh Saint Systems
    Provides the ability to disable user accounts and prevent them from logging in.
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    Remove Author Pages
    oleh Vinicius Pinto
    Remove author pages and link authors to home page