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What is VTDigger?

VTDigger is a news organization reporting daily on Vermont and Vermonters. Headquartered in Montpelier, we are dedicated to public service and investigative journalism. We primarily publish our news stories on this website, in our newsletters and through republishing agreements with other news organizations.

We report on state and local government and politics; business, labor and the economy; health and health care; climate, environment and agriculture; education; public safety; and other matters of public concern.

What’s the mission?

VTDigger produces rigorous journalism that explains complex issues, promotes public accountability and fosters democratic and civic engagement. 

Who owns VTDigger?

VTDigger is a project of the Vermont Journalism Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

The Vermont Journalism Trust is governed by a rotating board of community members. 

How is the nonprofit funded?

We are supported by foundation grants, business underwriting and individual contributions from members. Our tax forms are publicly available here. We publish a complete list of donors and underwriters

To become a member, click here. For other ways to support VTDigger, click here.

What about paid subscriptions?

VTDigger depends on member contributions to fund its journalism. However, we do not operate behind a paywall, and you don’t need a subscription to read our stories.

To become a member, click here.

How do I advertise or underwrite on VTDigger?

We appreciate your support. For more information, visit this page.

How do I support VTDigger through my donor-advised fund?

Donor-advised support for VTDigger comes through our parent organization, the Vermont Journalism Trust. In other words, you won’t see “VTDigger” as a charitable option, so please direct funds to The Vermont Journalism Trust to support VTDigger’s work. Our tax ID number is: 27-1553931.

Who decides what gets published?

The editors, overseen by the editor-in-chief, decide what stories to cover and what to publish.

Why does VTDigger run stories from other news outlets?

Recognizing that small Vermont news organizations often lack the resources needed to cover legislative and statewide issues, VTDigger provides the Community News Sharing Project. Learn more about the project and participating organizations here.

Does VTDigger represent a particular political point of view?

No. The coverage is nonpartisan, and we strive to convey multiple perspectives on issues. 

We aim to fairly and accurately report the facts, hold officials accountable and reveal government malfeasance when we find it.

What if I find errors in a story?

We appreciate correction requests. At the end of each story, there is a “Request a correction” link for readers to report possible errors.

How do I send a letter to the editor or a commentary?

We invite you to write considered responses on topics covered by VTDigger. Please see our submission page for guidelines.

Do readers ever oppose our coverage?

Yes! And we view polite opposition as a good sign. 

Good journalism demands impartiality and rigorous fact-finding. At a time in which there is widespread distrust of media and discussion about the harmful effect of “fake news,” VTDigger seeks to adhere to the highest code of journalistic ethics and reporting standards.

How do you satisfy your donors and underwriters?

We thank our donors and underwriters for their generous support, without which we could not exist. But we also value our editorial independence, a mark of journalistic excellence, and strive to ensure that there is no relationship or influence between donors and editors who make decisions regarding the news coverage.

How do I get VTDigger to show up in my Gmail inbox?

Readers who use Gmail sometimes complain that they have signed up for VTDigger’s newsletters, but they aren’t receiving their free email subscription.

Many readers are not aware that Gmail automatically sets up tabs for all users that filter email into three major categories: primary, social and promotions.

VTDigger, like other email subscription services, often winds up under the “promotion” tab.

Changing your Gmail filtering system is easy. Just go to the settings gear symbol in the upper righthand corner of the screen and select “Settings.” When you get to the “Settings” page, choose “Primary” as your default. This allows all of your email to be combined into one inbox.