
Post Type Settings

  • Register Portfolio Post Type – This setting is enabled by default. If you want to use our plugin for photo galleries only, you can disable registering the custom post type portfolio.

Archive Settings

  • Archive Page – This page is used for portfolio archives. Read more – Portfolio Archive
  • Archive Page Items Per Page – Limit the number of items per page on the archive page.

Taxonomy Settings

  • Filter Taxonomies – Add taxonomies that can be used for portfolio filtering. For example, if you add the portfolio_tag taxonomy to the list, you’ll be able to select a group of posts by tags for your portfolio.

Image Settings

  • Placeholder Image – Set a default image that is used when a featured image isn’t specified for a portfolio item.

Performance Settings

  • AJAX Cache and Preload – Reduce AJAX calls request time.

Responsive Settings

  • Responsive Breakpoints – Change default responsive breakpoints, used for automatic responsive code for Tiles, Masonry columns, and Carousel slides count.
    • Extra Large
    • Large
    • Medium
    • Small
    • Extra Small
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