
Skins in Visual Portfolio determine how your gallery items are displayed, offering different visual styles and hover effects. These predefined skins allow you to customize the appearance of your portfolio items quickly and easily.

Available Skins

Visual Portfolio offers several predefined skins:

  1. Classic
  2. Fade
  3. Fly
  4. Emerge
  5. Caption Move

Selecting a Skin

To choose a skin for your gallery:

  1. Edit your Visual Portfolio block
  2. In the block settings, locate the Skin option
  3. Select your desired skin from the available options

Customizing Skins

Each skin offers various customization options, which may include:

  • Image settings (border radius, transform, filters)
  • Overlay settings (background color, opacity, blend mode)
  • Caption settings (alignment, typography, colors)
  • Hover effects

To access these settings:

  1. Select a skin
  2. Explore the additional options that appear in the block settings panel

For detailed information on each skin and its specific customization options, please refer to the individual skin documentation linked above.

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