
The Slider layout is designed to show your gallery items in a slider and carousel view, perfect for interactive displays.

Available Settings

  • Effect – Choose from three carousel effects: Slide, Coverflow, and Fade.
  • Speed (in Seconds) – Adjust this value to set the duration of the effect while changing a slide.
  • Autoplay (in Seconds) – Set the interval for changing slides. Set to zero to turn off the autoplay feature.
  • Pause on Mouse Over – Stop autoplay when you hover over items.
  • Items Height
    • Auto – Display images in their original aspect ratio.
    • Static (px) – Set the height of the slides in pixels for a fixed height.
    • Dynamic (%) – Set the height of the slides in percentage, allowing the height to change depending on the size of the browser window.
  • Items Minimal Height – Set the minimum height. For a fullscreen carousel, type 100vh to make it 100% of the screen height.
  • Slides Per View (not available with Fade skin)
    • Auto – Slide width is calculated automatically, and the dynamic height is counted from the width of the carousel.
    • Custom – Set the number of slides visible on the screen at the same time.
  • Centered Slides (not available with Fade skin) – Display the active gallery item centered. If not selected, the active carousel will be on the left side.
  • Loop – Enable looping your carousel so it does not have an end.
  • Free Scroll – Make slides not have fixed positions while sliding manually.
  • Display Arrows – Show arrows for carousel navigation.
  • Display Bullets – Show bullets for carousel navigation, appearing below the carousel by default.
    • Dynamic Bullets – Show bullets only for the slides currently shown on the page.
  • Mousewheel Control – Scroll your carousel using the mousewheel.
  • Display Thumbnails – Show thumbnails of slides for carousel navigation.
    • These settings are the same as for the normal carousel (described below).
  • Gap – Set the spacing between slides.


Choose from three carousel effects:

  1. Slide: Standard sliding transition.
  2. Coverflow: 3D-like effect where slides overlap.
  3. Fade: Smooth fade transition between slides.

Speed and Autoplay

  • Speed: Set the duration of the transition effect in seconds.
  • Autoplay: Set the interval between slide changes. Set to 0 to disable autoplay.
  • Pause on Mouse Over: Toggle this option to pause autoplay when the user hovers over the slider.

Items Height

Choose how to set the height of your slider items:

  • Auto: Uses the original aspect ratio of your images.
  • Static (px): Set a fixed height in pixels.
  • Dynamic (%): Set a percentage height relative to the slider’s width.

Items Minimal Height allows you to set a minimum height, useful for responsive designs.

Slides Per View

  • Auto: Automatically calculates the number of visible slides.
  • Custom: Manually set the number of slides visible at once.

Centered Slides option centers the active slide when enabled.

  • Loop: Enable to make the slider loop continuously.
  • Free Scroll: Allow free scrolling without snapping to slides.
  • Display Arrows: Show navigation arrows.
  • Display Bullets: Show navigation bullets.
    • Dynamic Bullets: Only show bullets for visible slides.
  • Mousewheel Control: Enable scrolling the slider with the mousewheel.
  • Display Thumbnails: Show thumbnail navigation.


Set the spacing between slides using the Gap setting.

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