
Browse the ongoing research projects in the VIEWS consortium.
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Societies at Risk

Societies at Risk is a multi-disciplinary research program that bring together scholars from public health research, economics, political science, peace and conflict research, and natural disaster science to study the impacts of armed conflict on human development. Results will be coordinated into the operational VIEWS model. The project is closely connected with the ANTICIPATE project. 
EU and ERC logos with transparent background


ANTICIPATE: Anticipating the Impact of Armed Conflict on Human Development is our second multi-disciplinary project that studies the impact of armed conflict on human development, considering effects at both macro and micro level on economies, health, and political institutions. ANTICIPATE collaborates closely with the Societies at Risk project. 
Swedish Research Council logo for information


In collaboration between some of Sweden’s largest universities, DEMSCORE is building an e-infrastructure with harmonized, publicly available and user-friendly data from several of the world’s largest datasets.
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VIEWS People in Need (VIEWS-PIN) is an academic research project set to provide early warnings of the need for humanitarian assistance for all months in a rolling three-year forecasting window, for all Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).
EU and ERC logos with transparent background

ERC Proof of Concept

The ERC Proof of Concept project is an extension of the Advanced Grant project that allowed us to develop the pilot ViEWS model, the predecessor of the Violence & Impacts Early Warning System. It seeks to explore how we can tailor the output from our prediction system to better meet the needs of our end users across the international community, and ensure long-term funding for the project.
MISTRA geo-politics logo

Mistra Geopolitics

The Mistra Geopolitics research program  examines the interactions between geopolitics, human security, and global environmental change. It is comprised by an interdisciplinary research team from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and the universities of Linköping, Stockholm, Lund, and Uppsala in Sweden.
Norwegian Research Council logo


Uncertainty of Forecasting Fatalities in Armed Conflict (UFFAC) is the first comprehensive attempt at forecasting fatalities in armed conflict while taking uncertainty into account. It will build up and expand the operational VIEWS model.