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The VIEWS conflict prediction system

The Violence & Impacts Early-Warning System (VIEWS) is an award-winning conflict prediction system that generates monthly forecasts for violent conflicts across the world up to three years in advance. It is supported by the iterative research and development activities undertaken by the VIEWS consortium.

The VIEWS research consortium

Jointly led by Uppsala University and Peace Research Institute Oslo, the VIEWS consortium unites a suite of state-of-the-art research projects dedicated to exploring novel methodologies to forecast violent conflicts and their impacts on society and human development.

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Model documentation series

The VIEWS model

Paper series documenting the VIEWS fatalities models, complete with a change history from previous model versions. 


Advantages of the VIEWS model


The VIEWS forecasts are publicly available and accessible in a range of formats to suit the needs of each user.


VIEWS is an open-source project. All source code is accessible via the VIEWS GitHub repositories. 

state-of-the-art methodS

The VIEWS model leverages state-of-the-art methods and machine learning techniques.


The predictive performance of the VIEWS model is rigorously tested with results made available for external review. 



The research presented on this website is the outcome of projects that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 694640,  ViEWS) and Horizon Europe (Grant agreement No. 101055176, ANTICIPATE;  and 101069312, ViEWS (ERC-2022-POC1)), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Grant agreement No. M21-0002 , Societies at Risk), Uppsala University, Peace Research Institute Oslo, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ( ViEWS-ESCWA), the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (GSRA – Forecasting Fatalities in Armed Conflict ), the Swedish Research Council (DEMSCORE), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research ( MISTRA Geopolitics), the Norwegian MFA (Conflict Trends QZA-18/0227 ), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (the  Sahel Predictive Analytics project and Global Mapping of Forecasting Systems ), the Norwegian Research Council (UFFAC), and the Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d, VIEWS-PIN).
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