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Translation of 6.6.x - Development: Aragonese

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Prio Original string Translation
Commenter avatars come from <a>Gravatar</a>. Los avatares d'os comentaristas vienen de <a>Gravatar</a> Details
Commenter avatars come from <a>Gravatar</a>.

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Author Biography
block title
Biografía de l'autor d'a dentrada Details
Author Biography

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Displays a title with the number of comments.
block description
Amuestra un titol con o numero de comentarios Details
Displays a title with the number of comments.
Context block description

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Add a user’s avatar.
block description
Anyade un avatar d'usuario Details
Add a user’s avatar.
Context block description

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<strong>%s</strong> now has editing control of this post (<PreviewLink />). Don’t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved. <strong>%s</strong> tiene agora lo control d'edición d'esta dentrada (<PreviewLink />). No te preocupes, s'han alzau los tuyos cambios dica este momento. Details
<strong>%s</strong> now has editing control of this post (<PreviewLink />). Don’t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved.

%s: user’s display name


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This Navigation Menu is empty. Lo menú de navegación ye vuedo. Details
This Navigation Menu is empty.

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Choose a different style combination for the theme styles. Tría una combinación d'estilo diferent pa los estilos d'o tema Details
Choose a different style combination for the theme styles.

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Insert a link to a post or page. Ficar un vinclo a una dentrada u pachina Details
Insert a link to a post or page.

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Add text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results. Anyadir texto u bloques que s'amostrarán quan la consulta no torne garra resultau. Details
Add text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results.

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If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Content block can display the contents of those entries as well. Si i hai bell tipo de conteniu personalizau rechistrau en o tuyo puesto, lo bloque de conteniu d'a dentrada tamién podrá amostrar los contenius d'ixas dentradas. Details
If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Content block can display the contents of those entries as well.

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This is the Content block, it will display all the blocks in any single post or page. Este ye lo bloque de conteniu d'a dentrada, que amostrará totz los bloques en qualsequier dentrada u pachina individual. Details
This is the Content block, it will display all the blocks in any single post or page.

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Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s). Bloque de formulario de comentarios d'as dentradas: los comentarios no son activaus pa este tipo de conteniu. Details
Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s).

1: Post type (i.e. “post”, “page”)


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January 1, 2000 at 00:00 am 1 de chinero de 2000 a las 12:00 am Details
January 1, 2000 at 00:00 am

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Navigation Menu successfully deleted. Menú de navegación %s borrau correctament. Details
Navigation Menu successfully deleted.

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Configure the visual appearance of the button that toggles the overlay menu. Configura l'apariencia visual d'o botón que ubre lo menú superpuesto. Details
Configure the visual appearance of the button that toggles the overlay menu.

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